Sunday, 8 May 2011

Social and Economic Indicators of Development

I have simply copied this list from a marks scheme.

It is all the possible indictors that could be used to measure the success of a country's strategies.

  1.  Birth/Death rates
  2. Number of doctors per head
  3. Literacy rates
  4. Infant mortality
  5. % of population in Agriculture
  6. HDI
  7. GDP/GNP per capita
  8. GDP/GNP
  9. Life expectancy
  10. Income distribution - Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve
  11. Population growth
  12. Dependency Ratios
  13. Demographic breakdown
  14. Political freedom
  15. % of GDP spent on defence
  16. Equality between sexes
  17. Inflation
  18. Cost of labour
  19. Infrastructure spending
  20. Access to clean water and Sewage

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